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Why Couldn’t CHP Win Kapaklı and Ergene Districts in the 2024 Local Elections in Tekirdağ Province?

Why Couldn’t CHP Win Kapaklı and Ergene Districts in the 2024 Local Elections in Tekirdağ Province?
27.04.2024 18:27

Why Couldn’t CHP Win Kapaklı and Ergene Districts in the 2024 Local Elections in Tekirdağ Province?
Tekirdağ 2024 local election analysis by journalist/writer Ertan Yılmaz, Editor-in-Chief of Istanbul Adan Zye and Beşiktaş Çınar Newspaper. 2024 Local Elections There are a total of 13 districts in Tekirdağ province. 11 of these districts were won by CHP. The other two districts were won by the AK Party.
Many factors related to Kapaklı and Ergene districts, where CHP could not win in Tekirdağ, may play a role. Among these, choosing the right candidate, interaction with the public, policies appropriate to local needs and gaining the trust of the public play an important role. Situations such as party officials not being present enough in public, not attending events or not being interested in their lifestyle may also affect public support. For these reasons, parties cannot develop correct strategies taking into account the needs and expectations of the people.
In addition, we can say that the fact that the candidates nominated by the CHP in the districts do not make enough promises to the public or do not use clear statements about the problems may be due to lack of communication and inability to express themselves.
Also, the candidates’ lack of integration and trust with the public. The candidates’ inability to understand the wishes of the people and identify the deficiencies in the district and offer solutions. Presidential candidates’ lack of self-confidence and belief. Economic difficulties faced by people who live on agriculture and animal husbandry and their expectations in this regard.
Among these factors, we can add the following: candidates and parties’ lack of communication with the public, inability to offer solutions suitable for local needs, inability to gain the trust of the public, ineffectiveness of election campaigns, rival parties following a more effective strategy…

*We can think of the titles and details as follows:
*Agriculture and Livestock Diversity: We can make a general introduction about the agricultural and livestock activities in Tekirdağ districts.
*We can highlight the regions where products such as olives, grapes, sunflowers and citrus fruits are grown and where people live on animal husbandry.
*Agricultural Problems and Solution Suggestions: We can address the difficulties faced by farmers and agricultural problems.
We can especially focus on cost, efficiency problems and solution suggestions. *Olive Production and Economic Effects: We can examine the importance of Tekirdağ in olive production and its effects on the economy. We can also discuss current developments in olive cultivation and innovations in the sector.
*Grapes and Other Agricultural Products: We can give information about the cultivation of agricultural products such as grapes, sunflowers and citrus fruits, their contribution to the economy, and the light and darkness of our country and our youth in the future.
*Livestock Sector: We can evaluate the livestock activities in the districts and the current situation in the sector. We can discuss livestock-related problems and solution suggestions.
*We can definitely recommend that districts pay adequate attention to the needs and problems of the elderly and children. Tekirdağ, 2024 Local Election analysis has been prepared to be given to the relevant authorities.

Places to Visit in Tekirdağ (Top 25 Places)

Tekirdağ Gezilecek Yerler
 Tekirdağ Gezilecek Yerler

The places to visit in Tekirdağ will amaze you with its thousands of years of history and untouched natural beauties. It will allow you to have a special experience with its values, from museums to ancient cities, from mosques to beaches.

Places to Visit in Tekirdağ

What’s in the article?

Rakoczi Museum

Tekirdağ Archeology and Ethnography Museum

Namık Kemal House

Rustem Pasha Mosque


Corlu Mini Zoo

Kapaklı Kazak Lake

Perinthos Ancient City

Hora Lighthouse

Suleymaniye Mosque

Laladere Recreation Area

İbrahim Balaban Museum

Tekirdağ Music Technologies Museum

Çorlu Castle

Çamlıkoy (Kastro) Nature Park

Çorlu Municipality Wax Sculptures Museum

Orta Mosque

martyrs Monument

Canara Canyon

Mulberry Harbor Bay

Ayas Pasha Mosque

Historical Waterside Bath

Bahçeköy Papaz Creek Waterfalls

Güneşkaya Cave

Heraion Teikhos Ancient City

Tekirdağ has a great history. People have used this road for centuries to pass from Anatolia to Europe and left many artifacts in the region. Some of these have managed to survive until today. In addition, the climate and geographical location of the region have made it rich in natural beauties. We will take a closer look at all of these beauties on our journey to places to visit in Tekirdağ, which will surprise you.

Rakoczi Museum

Rakoczi Müzesi
Rakoczi Müzesi

Prince of Transylvania and Hungarian People’s Liberation Hero II, who spent his last years in Tekirdağ. Rakoczi Frenc’s personal belongings are exhibited in this museum. Rakoczi, who lived between 1676 and 1735, spent approximately the last 15 years here. The Hungarian State later purchased this house and turned it into a museum.

Although the house was converted into a museum in 1932, it was opened to visitors in the sense of modern museology in 1982. Along with Rakoczi’s personal belongings, there are also works symbolizing the unity of the Hungarian-Turkish people in the museum.

Rakoczi was the leader of the Hungarian uprising against the Austrians in the 1700s. When the uprising failed, the Hungarian leader took refuge in the Ottomans and lived in Tekirdağ for a long time. The works of the famous name, who lived in different houses, were later collected and exhibited in this house. The house, located on Barbaros Street, is among the places to visit.

Tekirdağ Archeology and Ethnography Museum

Tekirdağ Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi
Tekirdağ Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi


Tekirdağ Archeology and Ethnography Museum is a museum containing works that shed light on the history of the city. The building is as interesting as the works inside the museum. The building, built in 1927 by Kazım Tahsin, one of the famous architects of the period, served as the governor’s mansion until 1976. There are impressive Iznik tiles on the northern door of the two-storey building. Additionally, the balcony railings of the building are decorated with star and circle motifs.

The museum was opened to visitors in 1992. It contains archaeological artifacts found in excavations around Tekirdağ and ethnographic artifacts that enable us to see the history of the city. There are four separate sections in the museum: open exhibition section, ethnography section, archaeological small artifacts section and stone artifacts hall.

In the archaeological works section, coins, spearheads, coins and kitchen utensils used from ancient times to the Ottoman period are exhibited. In the ethnography section, there are clothes, jewelry and weapons showing the recent history of the city. In addition, in the garden of the museum, which has an open exhibition section, sculptures, sarcophagi, inscriptions and reliefs from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods are exhibited.

Tekirdağ Archeology and Ethnography Museum, which has more than 23 thousand artifacts in total, will take you on a journey deep into history.

Namık Kemal House

Namık Kemal Evi
Namık Kemal Evi

The house where Namık Kemal was born in Tekirdağ in 1840 was converted into a museum by the Namık Kemal Association and Tekirdağ municipality and opened to visitors in 1993. The building, built in the 19th century, was restored and started to be used as a museum.

The museum contains Namık Kemal’s personal belongings, works, paintings and paintings. Additionally, works written about the famous name and some ethnographic works belonging to Tekirdağ are also among those exhibited in the museum.

Namık Kemal House, one of the museums to visit in Tekirdağ, although it is a small building, everywhere smells of history. You can easily reach the museum located in the city center.

Rustem Pasha Mosque

Rüstem Paşa Camii
Rüstem Paşa Camii

The mosque, built in 1561 by Rüstem Pasha, the son-in-law and grand vizier of Suleiman the Magnificent, is the work of Mimar Sinan. It attracts attention as one of the most beautiful mosques of Tekirdağ and even our country. The five-column fountain in the garden of the mosque, whose windows and doors are decorated with geometric motifs, was built during the reign of Sultan Abdülmecit.

There is a madrasah, bathhouse and library to the east of the building, which has a single balconied minaret. However, these have not managed to survive until today. In the west, there is a bedesten whose roof is covered with six domes. The building, decorated with Iznik tiles, is one of the famous works of Mimar Sinan.



Uçmakdere is an old Greek village located in Şarköy district. Uçmakdere, which is located close to Istanbul and preserves its old life and settlement texture, hosts many visitors. It is a point where you will find and feel the blue of the Marmara Sea and the green of the Ganos Mountains together. Here you will both enjoy nature and have beautiful experiences of village life.

There are two paragliding tracks on the Ganos Mountains in Uçmakdere. These runways, at an altitude of 625 meters and 250 meters, are the most important paragliding spots in the region. If you like adrenaline, you can try this special experience and see the beauties of the region from a bird’s eye view while in the sky.

Corlu Mini Zoo

Çorlu Mini Hayvanat Bahçesi
Çorlu Mini Hayvanat Bahçesi

Çorlu Mini Zoo, which you can reach in 10 minutes on foot from Cumhuriyet Park, was established especially for children. In the zoo, which allows children to see animals up close that they have not seen before; Animals such as pony horse, Tokat hen, trotting rooster, Caucasian pheasant, peacock, rabbit and turkey are included.

There is also an area here where children can ride horses. However, in order to ride the horses, you need to get information in advance.

Kapaklı Kazak Lake

Kapaklı Kazak Gölü
Kapaklı Kazak Gölü

Kapaklı Kazak Lake, located within the borders of Kapaklı district, and the recreation area around it are one of the most important recreation areas for the people in the region. The area is suitable for picnics and camping and is especially busy on weekends. While enjoying the fresh air, you will see wonderful lake views and witness the visual shows made by fountains.

There are barbecue places, benches, playgrounds for children and walking paths around the lake, which is approximately 80 km away from Istanbul. You can come here with your private vehicle or public transportation.

Perinthos Ancient City

Perinthos Antik Kenti
Perinthos Antik Kenti

Perinthos Ancient City was founded in the 6th century BC by colonies from the island of Samos. Shortly after its establishment, it became one of the important settlements of the region. In the 4th century BC II. He was surrounded by Philip. Diodoros, one of the ancient writers about this siege, stated that when viewed from a distance, it looked like people sitting on the outskirts of a theater.

Some parts of the ancient city have managed to survive until today. The acropolis and the lower city walls have survived to a significant extent and are under protection. At some points, the height of the walls reaches up to 6-7 meters. However, construction works carried out in a part of the ancient city caused the destruction of the city.

You can come to the ancient city, which is located on the left side of the road leading to Marmara Ereğlisi center, with your private car or public transportation.

Hora Lighthouse

Hora Feneri
Hora Feneri

Hora Lighthouse was built with materials brought from France in 1861 and has shed light on the ships in the region since then. The building, which has a pendulum system that is installed every 2 hours, was built on a high point. Its height is 20 meters.

It is claimed that the foundations of the building, which is 20 km away from Şarköy district, reach all the way to the sea. Although there is no written source, it is rumored that a 20-meter foundation was dug to ensure stability. The light from the lighthouse built during the reign of Abdulmecit can be seen from a distance of approximately 40 km (20 nautical miles).

Suleymaniye Mosque

Süleymaniye Cami
Süleymaniye Cami

Süleymaniye Mosque, one of the most important historical works of Çorlu, was built by Suleiman the Magnificent in 1521. It has a single-domed main space and a congregation hall covered with three domes. The building, also known as Cami Kebir, had 22 rooms when it was first built. The mosque, which features classical Ottoman architecture, is located in the center of Çorlu. You can even go on foot.

Laladere Recreation Area

Laladere Mesire Alanı
Laladere Mesire Alanı

Laladere Recreation Area, located approximately 13 km away from Saray district, attracts attention with its historical features as well as its natural beauties. It is rumored that the Ottoman sultans came here to hunt at that time and left their hunting equipment in the current recreation area. This explains why the name of the region is Laladere.

There are camping areas, volleyball courts, children’s parks and walking paths in the area where you can enjoy nature. Additionally, when you explore nature, you can even see small streams. You can come here with minibuses or private vehicles from Saray district to Bahçeköy. Mobile phones have no reception in some parts of the region, which has an area of 12 hectares. You need to make your planning taking this into consideration.

İbrahim Balaban Museum

İbrahim Balaban Müzesi
İbrahim Balaban Müzesi

It is the museum where the works of the famous painter İbrahim Balaban, who was a prison friend of Nazım Hikmet, are exhibited. In addition to his works, some of his personal belongings are also exhibited. The museum, which opened to visitors on September 7, 2018, has a mission to make young people and adults love art. Although it is a small museum, it has an impressive aspect. Also, if it is closed when you arrive, you can call the number indicated on the door. They will open the museum in a short time and give information about the works while you tour.

Tekirdağ Music Technologies Museum

Tekirdağ Müzik Teknolojileri Müzesi
Tekirdağ Müzik Teknolojileri Müzesi

Tekirdağ Music Technologies Museum, opened by Süleymanpaşa Municipality on May 20, 2017, is one of the first museums related to musical instruments. Although it is not very large, it attracts attention with its impressive works. The museum, which was established to reflect the musical culture of Tekirdağ, exhibits not only musical instruments but also local clothes specific to the region.

There are different musical instruments such as kaval, fiddle, violin and ney in the 2-storey museum. Visitors who see these tools up close also learn the stages of their construction. Although it can be criticized that there are no informative texts on some of the works, the relevant museum is one of the places that should be visited when you come to the city.

Çorlu Castle

Çorlu Kalesi
Çorlu Kalesi

Although its construction date is unknown, it is estimated to have been built in the 6th century AD. It was built to protect the region and to stop raids, especially from Europe. It is reported that 5 thousand people of Çorlu lived in Çorlu Castle, which was also actively used during the Ottoman period. It is stated that the castle was damaged in the great Istanbul earthquake that occurred in 1509 and most of the people living here lost their lives.

Çorlu Castle, built from Khorasan mortar, rubble stone and brick, has unfortunately not survived to the present day. If you are interested in history, you can visit the ruin-shaped building.

Çamlıkoy (Kastro) Nature Park

Çamlıkoy (Kastro) Tabiat Parkı
Çamlıkoy (Kastro) Tabiat Parkı

Çamlıkoy (Kastro) Nature Park is located in the Istranca Region, where green and blue meet. It is a very special spot where you will have pleasant times with its rich vegetation, sea, beach and nature. Even though the work is not fully completed yet, it will exceed your expectations. When you go on a windless day, you can swim in the sea, sunbathe on the beach and enjoy the green and blue.

You can come here with your private vehicle or public transportation. Minibuses departing from Saray district to Kastro bring you to this natural wonder.

Çorlu Municipality Wax Sculptures Museum

Çorlu Belediyesi Balmumu Heykeller Müzesi
Çorlu Belediyesi Balmumu Heykeller Müzesi

Çorlu Municipality Wax Sculptures Museum is a continuation of the wax museum in Eskişehir. The building of the museum, which was completed and opened to visitors in 2020, is a historical building. The building, built in 1903, was restored and turned into a museum in 2015.

There are 110 wax statues in the museum. Wax sculptures of artists, politicians and some scientists will allow you to have a unique experience with their closeness to reality. When you come to Çorlu, it is one of the places you must visit.

Orta Mosque

Orta Cami
Orta Cami

It is the new mosque built by philanthropists on the same spot after the mosque built by Kürkçü Sinan Bey in 1856 was demolished. Its construction date is 1912. Orta Mosque, with a wooden ceiling, has a rectangular plan. It was built using rubble stone.

martyrs Monument

Şehitler Abidesi
Şehitler Abidesi

Some of those injured in the Battle of Gallipoli were brought to hospitals in Tekirdağ, and those who were martyred in the hospitals were buried here. In memory of this, the relevant area was turned into a martyrdom in 1952. The monument called the Martyrs’ Memorial was also built recently. The martyrs’ cemetery, located in the central district of Süleymanpaşa, has a sad and proud atmosphere with its spiritual atmosphere.

Canara Canyon

Kanara Kanyonu
Kanara Kanyonu

Kanara Canyon, located in the Galata Stream region in Saray district, is one of the frequent destinations of nature lovers. There are trees such as wild cranberry, oak and hornbeam on its slopes. There are natural rock shelters in the region, which were used as settlements in prehistoric times and as rock tombs in later periods.

It is known that Kanara Canyon was used as a quarry in ancient times. In this respect, it is extremely important in terms of Tekirdağ’s history. There are caves called Güngörmez Caves in the canyon. These structures, which are 40 meters long, have been declared as natural protected areas and are under protection.

A suitable area for picnics and camping. In areas close to water, there are lots of flies in the summer months. That’s why you need to proceed with caution.

Mulberry Harbor Bay

Dut Limanı Koyu
Dut Limanı Koyu

Dut Limani Bay, declared as a natural protected area, is located very close to the city center. You can come with your private vehicle and see the fascinating effect of green and blue. There are also areas for boating and swimming.

Ayas Pasha Mosque

Ayas Paşa Camii
Ayas Paşa Camii

Built in 1525, Ayas Pasha Mosque was built by Ayas Pasha, one of the Ottoman grand viziers from whom it takes its name. The mosque has a single minaret with a thin cylindrical body and is covered with a dome. The mosque, which has undergone restoration in some periods, is still in active use. The mosque in Saray district center is one of the important historical buildings among the places to visit in Tekirdağ.

Historical Waterside Bath

Tarihi Yalı Hamamı
Tarihi Yalı Hamamı

It is not known exactly when and by whom the bath, located in Süleymanpaşa, one of the central districts of Tekirdağ, was built. The Historical Waterside Bath, thought to have been built in the 1600s, was restored in 2018 and opened for use in 2020. It still continues to be used as a bath.

Bahçeköy Papaz Creek Waterfalls

Bahçeköy Papaz Deresi Şelaleleri
Bahçeköy Papaz Deresi Şelaleleri

Papaz Creek is one of the hidden paradises located deep in the forest in Bahçeköy district. While visiting the region, you will enjoy the natural beauties and magnificent nature, and you will also see the ruins of the aqueduct built during the Roman period. The waterfalls on Papaz Creek will allow you to have a unique experience.

Güneşkaya Cave

Güneşkaya Mağarası
Güneşkaya Mağarası

Güneşkaya Cave is one of the oldest settlements in the region. In the studies carried out, finds dating back to 5000 BC were found. The cave, which contains finds from the Chalcolithic age, is only 2 km from the Saray district. You can visit these historical buildings by coming with your private vehicle.

Heraion Teikhos Ancient City

Heraion Teikhos Antik Kenti
Heraion Teikhos Antik Kenti

Heraion Teikhos Ancient City, which is 10 km away from Tekirdağ, was founded in the 2000s BC, according to studies. Research shows that human communities lived here uninterruptedly from the first moment it was founded until the end of the 1200s AD.

Many artifacts were unearthed during the excavations. Various items, from the slings used by the Persians when they came to the region to invade, to arrow and spear tips made of bronze, were found. It is one of the most important historical points of the region.

Places to visit in Tekirdağ will meet your expectations with both natural beauties and historical structures. We recommend that you spend a few days to fully see the beauties here and enjoy nature.


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